Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Where Will All the Flowers Grow?

I feel that I should preface this post by warning you all that this isn't an informative or politically oriented piece. In fact, ashamedly, it may even qualify as nothing more than a personal rant, but I feel that so many of my counterparts on the Blogosphere as well as Communications Theorists and possibly even Sociologists may back me up on what I'm about to say.

When will the news sites learn to begin synidcating their feeds?
No, I'm not talking about CNN, MSNBC, or FOX News. As any of you who have read my posts before will know, I believe in having as many players in as many markets as possible. The news - or even info - market is no different. I'm talking about the local newspapers, magazines of cities and the journalistic endeavours of smaller communities.

In order to become a better blogger, and a more informed citizen, I've begun to force myself into the habit of using news aggregators. [I've found Active Refresh to be the best one]. But aside from the obvious information overload that pooling and aggregating all the world's info can do, I've almost found it useless and most definitely futile in attempting to aggregate info on anything other than the major headlines dispatched thru the MSM [which I think any news junkie, aka the people using news aggregators right now, would have already seen] and the muddied pools of posts from bloggers like me. [Yes, let's face it. For a good amount of time, we are pretty damned annoying - even to ourselves!] As a New Yorker, or more aptly a Manhattanite, I was certain that my city - often called by many both here and abroad as the capital of the world - with its multiplicity in periodicals would have a majority of them offering an RSS or ATOM syndication to which I could subscribe. Sadly, I found this to not be the case.

Neither the New Yorker nor New York Magazine nor the New York Post nor TimeOut New York have any syndications to offer to the info junkie like me. And what about outside the city, you say? You mean Albany or Buffalo, Syracuse or even Poughkipsie? Fuhgettaboutit!!

I thought syndicationa and news aggregators were supposed to be the future of gathering info on the web. NOBODY has the time to visit and muddle thru all the sites [and the ads] on the web inorder to get a complete scope of what's going on in the world and who's saying what. Was it all just technophilic hype, or am I and others simply ahead of the curve?

The idea behind aggregators - being able to sample your pool in the web, pull it all back home, and at a glance and for a few seconds know it all - I've always found to be not only appealing but also inspiring. Allowing for the current mulitiplicity of information to continue in a more productive, efficient, and even economic way.

How can the seeds of future knowledge be planted without streams of syndication.
Where will all these flowers grow?
Long time passing, when will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn?

As always, I'm not claiming to know it all about the topics in this post. If anyone has any insight into any of the matters covered here, I'd greatly appreciate your comments. I'm looking to learn and grow, not bitch and moan.


Anonymous said...

Love him? Hate him? How do YOU feel about our soon to be former President? Take part in a chance to immortalize your views in book form by visiting http://goodbyegeorgew.com/ and letting your opinion be read!

Check out the following article about http://goodbyegeorgew.com/:


After eight long years of George Bush lying to the American People the Republican Party has been evicted from the White House. Don’t let Bush off the hook so easily. Visit http://www.goodbyegeorgew.com to send your message to George W. Bush by writing an honest letter to let him know what you really think of the job that he has done mis-leading the country.

This web site was created with the singular intention of launching a movement to take back America by promoting an honest expression of opinion on the nightmarish 8 years gone by with Bush and Cheney at the helm.

Although Bush is leaving the quagmire of devastation that he wrought remains. The economic depression is only in its opening days with 1 out of 10 Americans depending on food stamps to eat.

The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq will continue to take the lives of U.S. soldiers for the foreseeable future. The number of people with a deep hatred for the United States with nothing to lose is the direct result of the Bush wars. A vast army of terrorists for coming generations appears to be the main output of the U.S. escapades in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Yes, it is time at least try to pick up the pieces. This will not be easy for the new Administration or for the American People. But it is time we had some closure.

The new website http://www.goodbyegeorgew.com was created to make that closure happen and in a small way to help restore a practice of democracy in which the American people have a voice. The main purpose of this website is for Americans and citizens throughout the world let their opinions be known to the departing President Bush.

The thousands of letters being written will be published as a book that sets the record straight on public opinion about the Bush Presidency that failed America and wreaked havoc around the globe.

With only weeks remaining before George W. hightails it out of D.C. and retreats to a life of hunting and fishing, untroubled by the mess he leaves behind, it is time to let him know what we honestly think.

Perhaps he can at least grow a conscience though alas there is little hope of justice. Justice could come by Barack Obama signing off on the International Court of Human Rights and offering up Bush and Cheney for fair trial.

That scenario is not likely to be coming soon. But at the very least we can go, everyone of us, to http://www.georgew.com and let George W. Bush know that the whole world has watched as he has brought shame and destruction down on humanity.

Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

waleinga said...

The answer is no. theres no sunshine on the other side of darkness.
Two Voices | Two Guys

masini said...

Waleinga have right. I s is no hope.
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