Wednesday, June 15, 2005 Poll: Cuomo leading Green in bid for AG nomination

Hello World -

Today, I join the community of Andrew Sullivan, Joe Trippi, Jay Rosen, alter-ego journalists, and the rising international elite of techno savvy youth across the globe with the launching of this - my first blog! I can only hope to contribute to the legacy of Blogging that they have created; restoring the web to its propper place as a treasure trove of limitless information.

My inspiration was simple, my angst obvious, and my clear. I am tired of hearing stories like this one listed below. Democrats must learn that if we are to regain political control of any office in this country, and especially in traditional strongholds, then they must learn to bet on winners not losers.

Politics is often joked as being nothing more than a horse race, and so we should entertain the thought that it is nothing more. Thus, as any descent racing fan would know, we should view our political contenders [horses] as vehicles for future gains/losses [bets]. And though all horses may lose a race or two, after so many losses they must be forced to retire and let back out to pasture. Further, as any savvy gambler would have us know, you should always bet on the horse with the best record, the fewest losses, and overall the greatest chance of succeeding. Winning the race is all that counts and politicians are no good to us if they cannot do just that.

Democrats must reinvent themselves and invigorate their tactics & style if they are to win in the newly reshaped political landscape. The landscape that once was seven years ago has eroded away, and been replaced. Thus Democrats must look not to previously dismissed Democratic office holders nor to those Democrats who once attempted office but ultimately failed. Their time has come and passed. Instead, true blues should look to fresh, new ideas and ultimately different candidtates if they are to not only maintain their base but also reshape issue dimensions and recapture the Median Voters that are oh-so-crucial to American elections.

Neither Andrew Cuomo nor Mark Green should be leading in this poll. Though the familiarity of their names may bring comfort to the Red-made wounds true blues have incurred since 2000, they will ultimately fail us . . . as any losing horse would. We need fresh young stallions who have had the propper training and preparation to actually win a race. Of any of the reaming candidates in the NY AG 2006 race, only Sean Patrick Maloney begins to fit this mold.

Our new world is not brave or brash, but it is bold and well staked out. Only politics that are fresh, like a salad, can have a hope of changing it. Poll: Cuomo leading Green in bid for AG nomination

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