Saturday, July 02, 2005

What We May Miss This Weekend

In an effort to avoid the group think of the blog-o-sphere (and in an attempt to keep politics, policy, & current affairs fresh) I thought I would remind us of a few other noteworthy events that have happened this weekend, that we may otherwise miss in our Live8 Lust.

In spite of an overwhelmingly Roman Catholic population in Spain and the new Pontiff's edicts concerning homosexuality and other aspects of modern, Western culture. Our Spainish neighbours across the pond have decided to work to ensure that all of its citizens will enjoy equal rights & protection under the law.

A nation that is neither part of the Middle East or Africa will begin to stumble down a very rocky path, and have very few friends to help it up.

The stale politics of the Middle East will continue. Though there now exists greater hope than before for these people to have a responsible, accountable government worthy of them, they too may stumble and fall if they lack our support to back them up.

The World's Largest Democracy will begin great strides to stand alone & apart in order to better modernize their country and improve the quality of their environment.

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