Sunday, September 25, 2005

Democratic Call to Arms!

Ok, so I know that this post is a little late in its coming; however, I'm fairly certain that it's gone largely unnoticed by both the Blogosphere and the MSM.

Sen. Clinton has been charged with the awesome task of creating the agenda and platform for the Democratic Party. It is time, however, that both the DNC and the party's ruling group the DLC learn that the Party of the People must look to and learn from the people so that we can become the Party forthe People.

I'm issuing a Call to Arms. I want any and every Democrat who reads this to Email Sen. Clinton, and let her know where we stand. We're for People!

It sounds too simple, but it's the truth.
We're for individual liberties, for the equal opportunity of all person, for human dignity, for the betterment of people's lives, for quality jobs, for a constantly improving education system, for a sensitive and intelligent healthcare system that helps Americans instead of sustaining them, for happy and safe families, and for betterment of the American people.

Get involved!
Decide the future of your party!
Let the woman who's deciding all this know where you stand!

And let's make the Party of the People, the Party for People!

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