Saturday, September 24, 2005

Please Get Your Acts Together (I'm getting tired of Windows and OS )

This is definitely a good sign and a step in the right direction. The State of Massachusetts recently decided to take a similar step in making all of its gov offices switch to Open Office formats sometime in the near future.

I'd just like to say this to the Linux Community: the world is obviously ready to make steps towards a more open information society - and I'm not talking indie technophiles, even governments are doing it! But please, quit fracturing yourselves among so many distros that have slow turn arounds in improvements. Consolidate, focus, and innovate.

Consolidate the number of distros to the major 3 that are widely recognized as the best. Abandon the rest and leave them for what they are -- children's distractions.

Create open wiki's for these so that all people can easily access the code, improve the code, and update/upload the code to one main reliable space for all to access and enjoy.

Call all Linux Developers to arms to race to come up with the best platform ever. I mean it!

I want Linux to blow Windows Vista and OS # out of the water because it's so damn good. Come on guys! You have the smarts, just do it already.

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